Exploring Parametric Equations

By: Sydney Roberts



For this exploration, we will be investigating parametric equations of the form


LetŐs start by investigating what will happen when a and b vary at the same rate (are defined as the same constant) from 0 to 10. We can see that as this constant is around 1, we have a complete circle that is formed.

Description: Capture1.JPG Description: Capture2.JPG


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After n reaches 1, we can assume that the circle continues to loop around. Hence, allowing n to vary from 0 to 10 will allow for 10 completed revolutions to be made starting from t=0 and moving counterclockwise.

Now letŐs consider what happens if we vary a and b (again at the same rate) from -10 to 0. This time, as n approaches 0, the circle seems to ŇunwindÓ counterclockwise from t=0. Therefore, it seems that the negative values cause the parametric circle to start with 10 (because we started at -10) revolutions, and then unwind in a counterclockwise motion.

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The interesting investigations come from when a and b are not the same constant. Consider some examples below and try to make your own conjectures.

Description: Capture3a.JPG Description: Capture3b.JPG


Description: Capture4a.JPG       Description: Capture3b.JPG

Description: Capture5a.JPG Description: Capture5b.JPG

Description: Capture6a.JPG      Description: Capture6b.JPG

Description: Capture7a.JPG      Description: Capture7b.JPG

Description: Capture8a.JPG    Description: Capture8b.JPG


At this point you should start to see a pattern form that deals with the ratio of b to a. We see that the parametric curves tend to intersect and form Ňloops.Ó It appears as if the number of these loops is . However, we have only looked at cases where a ˛ b. What happens if b ˛ a?

Again, look at the following examples.

Description: Capture9a.JPG Description: Capture9b.JPG

Description: Capture10a.JPG Description: Capture10b.JPG

Description: Capture11a.JPG Description: Capture11b.JPG

Description: Capture12a.JPG Description: Capture12b.JPG

Description: Capture13a.JPG Description: Capture13b.JPG

Description: Capture14a.JPG Description: Capture14b.JPG


Here, the relationship is harder to see, but there are some conclusions we can draw:

á      If  is an odd integer, then the parametric curve is non-intersecting

á      If  is an even integer, then the parametric curve greatly resembles the previous explorations of looking at when a ˛ b except this time, the parametric curve is forming on the y axis instead of the x axis.


For further exploration, look at these animations for different relationships between a and b.

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